
Starring: Keri Russell, Nathan Fillion, Cheryl Hines, Adrienne Shelly, Jeremy Sisto & Andy Griffith

Genre: Drama/Romance/Comedy

Movie’s review: http://waitressmovie.net/

Rating: **


Well, nothing’s special about this movie except for its delicious pie. The story is average and it’s a little bit makes no sense. But if you’re curious to know the various combination in making pie, then you should watch it :P Not bad..

This is my first time posting to my own blog :)
Making this blog is one of my assignments from 'Theory of Communication and Media' given by my lecturer. If it wasn't given, you wouldn't read this page at the moment^^
So, the first task was to make a magazine cover with my happy face, but i had to write a contradictory statement. Here's my magazine cover:

Hha the only title i could think of is 'Piano Tune', because i also love the piano. What do you think of it? :p